Ornamental Grasses to Consider for Your Garden

Purple Fountain Grass ‘Rubrum’ (Pennisetum setaceum)


Ornamental grasses add structure and movement to our gardens.

Even a few grasses tossed by the wind can help bring a static garden to life, and when the sun rises or sets behind grass, the effect is glorious. Even if you don’t have a large garden, you might consider adding grasses to some of your containers.

There are cold-hardy grasses that will be perennial even in northern gardens, or northern gardeners can grow warm-weather grasses as annuals. A little research pays off here, as some grasses can be invasive, especially in warmer climates.

Here are a few varieties to consider:

  • Prairie dropseed (sporobolus heterolepis): A beautiful native prairie grass for home gardens. Great for dry spots.
  • ‘Morning Light’ Maiden grass (Miscanthus sinensus): Soft and fountain-shaped with fine, delicate foliage.
  • ‘Karl Foerster’ Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora): Straight and tall, this grass adds height and structure and looks wonderful even in winter.
  • Japanese Forest Grass (hakonechloa macra): A beautiful grass for shade.
  • Mexican Feather Grass (Nassella tenuissima): An absolutely gorgeous grass with wispy, feathery foliage. Adds lots of movement. May be invasive in places like California but native to the mountains of west Texas.

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March 19, 2020

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