Ep 3 – The Good News About Broken Dreams

Sep 26, 2018

This is a story about the search for a black barn.

Today we dig into what it feels like to watch your dream break into little bits and pieces you can’t make sense of. Christie takes us from Chicago to Florida to a small town in Pennsylvania that often reeks of mushroom farms and manure where she buried all her broken bits of hope and then watched them grow. If you’re like us then you already know that dreams usually look nothing and also everything like you hoped. There’s no straight road between what we dream and the realities we live and along the way all kinds of things we imagined, prayed, and hoped get broken. Let’s talk about that today.

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Out of the Ordinary

The podcast for anyone who’s ever felt the nagging frustration of wondering if her life is too small, too boring or too ordinary to make a difference. Lisa-Jo Baker and Christie Purifoy, longtime friends and bestselling authors, explore the surprising ways that cultivating ordinary life leads to extraordinary stories.

Visit our official podcast page!

Christie Purifoy

Christie Purifoy


A writer and gardener, her favorite ordinary things include strawberry jam, homegrown flowers, and old books with someone else’s notes in them.

Find Christie’s books here.

Lisa-Jo Baker

Lisa-Jo Baker


A reader and writer, her favorite ordinary things include hot tea with milk and sugar, a good movie, her mom’s hand-me-down books and Sunday afternoon naps.

Find Lisa-Jo’s books here.


#outoftheordinarypodcast is on Instagram!

I always think of early winter as a dreary time of year, but there is nothing dreary about this light, these clouds, and the last few golden leaves. The present moment often gives us beauty and goodness we did not anticipate.
So many things in the world and in the news make me sad, and I feel helpless to do anything about them. But I have been given steady ground beneath my feet and people to love. I have dishes to wash and soup to prepare. I have a book to finish writing. A few bulbs still to plant. It’s more than enough to be getting on with.
#autumnatmaplehurst #weareplacemakers
Had to leave my computer (and a big unfinished project!) in order to buy Brussels sprouts and cranberries at the farm and market near my house. So now this is me not waiting till Thursday to give thanks.
If you celebrate this week, tell me what you can’t wait to cook  and / or eat!
Everything is terrible but everything is beautiful. I’m talking about … Teenagers. So sweet and funny until I check his grades. Marriage. So much love, so why are we bickering? The clouds that finally brought not-quite-enough rain after months of drought. The state of my current book project. But let’s not talk about that. My kitchen! So full of good food. So full of messy crumbs and half-melted lettuce and something that might be a radish or maybe a beet.
What is beautiful and terrible and too much and also a gift in your life these days?
Long summer days are glorious, but I’m grateful for this annual invitation to rest.
Today, reading the election results, some Christians say “God has heard our prayers!” Others, reading the election results, cry “God, why did you not hear us?” The critic might say that both have shot their prayers toward an empty heaven where no one listens. The cynic might tell us God doesn’t care who is President and aren’t both sides awful? The wise one might say that prayer is not about asking and receiving but a reaching out for the hand of God.  And the ordinary Christian? The one who doesn’t feel wise and worries about the state of the world? I think she might tell us, just keep praying. When we pray, something might shift out there in the world, but—even more likely— something might shift inside of us.
Lord, help me to do justice. To love kindness. And to walk humbly with my God.
All Hallows’ Eve at Maplehurst. Sweet, spooky fun with family, friends, and neighbors. 🧡
This is the real world. Can you believe it?
#autumnatmaplehurst #autumninpennsylvania
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  1. Lucy

    Would it be possible for you to provide transcripts of the podcasts for those of us who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, please? We’re being inadvertently excluded from a lot of online conversations with this shift from blogging to podcasts. Thank you!

    • Christie Purifoy

      Thank you, Lucy, for taking the time to share your experience with me. Transcription is something Lisa-Jo and I have considered since we first began discussing the idea for a podcast, but, unfortunately, the high cost and a few other technological factors have been significant hurdles. However, we are committed to doing our best to offer this service in the future!


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