Advent 2012 (Third Wednesday)

Dec 19, 2012

yellow bus


I met Amy at The Festival of Faith and Writing in Michigan last spring. During a five minute chat, we discovered we’d attended the same college, attended the same college-town church, majored in English lit., and had recently found ourselves at home in episcopal churches. Needless to say, we kept in touch.

I’m delighted to share this advent story at Amy’s place today:


I know that Advent should include repentance. In fact, repentance is supposed to be an integral part of any advent observance. The idea, I think, is that we must prepare ourselves to receive Christ.

I’ve mostly avoided thinking about it.

I far prefer to meditate on ideas like wonder or anticipation.

If I think much about sin at all it’s to imagine the sin out there. For instance, the dark injustice of human trafficking or the world orphan crisis.

I’d rather not confront the darkness in my own heart.

Until the parents of twenty first-graders walked into a nightmare.

You can read the rest of the story here. While you’re there, check out Amy’s own beautiful advent series. Like me, she’s posting every day this season.


  1. Amy

    Thanks so much for sharing, Christie. I love how we started off these posts with nearly identical introductions…

    • Christie Purifoy

      Amy, I know. Made me smile! Of course, you know what they say, “Great minds …”


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