Say the word daffodil, and we tend to picture flowers like the beautiful ‘Ice Follies’ seen in the picture above.
But daffodils (properly called narcissus) come in so many varieties. I love the unique “fancy” daffodils, and any daffodil with scent. Here are some of my favorites:
- Bridal Crown: A delicate, ruffled, scented daffodil that grows well in containers.
- Gay Tabor: Like a scented cream puff with hints of orange. Delicious.
- Thalia: Pure white, delicate, very elegant.
- Rijnveld’s Early Sensation: The earliest-blooming daffodil I grow. A reliable and cheerful splash of yellow in late winter.
- Poet’s Daffodil (poeticus recurvus): The latest daffodil to flower. Gorgeous, wild shape and wonderful scent